Benton Sporting Clays
Telephone 423-338-6034/ 423-715-0473
5244 Upper River Road, Charleston, TN 37310

Beginner to Advanced Shooter Instruction
Our instructors can help improve the beginning to advanced shooter. If you have never shot a shotgun or sporting clays before, we encourage you to spend some time with one of our instructors to review gun safety and the fundamentals of how to shoot Sporting Clays. It will make your experience much more enjoyable. For the intermediate to advanced shooter, an instructor can likely improve your scores through close examination of your stance, move, mount, hold point, etc. Instructors should be scheduled in advance and contacted directly via the information below.
Jim Jordan
Jim is a sporting clays certified instructor for CSM (Coordinated Shooting Method), TRACS (Teaching Recreational & Competition Shooting), and NSCA (National Sporting Clays Association) and teaches shotgun shooting techniques from each method. He has completed additional instructor training for the trap and skeet disciplines. In addition, he has completed shooting classes with Michael Murphy, Gary Phillips, Wendell Cherry, Bill Kempher, Gil & Vickie Ash, Larry Easley, Donny Roth, and John Higgins. Jim has had enormous success with new and intermediate shotgun clay shooters. He shoots trap, skeet, and sporting clays weekly, but especially enjoys teaching students to become more successful in their shooting endeavors. Jim can be contacted at 423-790-2519 and/or email address jordanshootingsports@gmail.com.

Todd Hitch
Todd Hitch is a Sporting Clays Instructor. In addition to being an instructor, Todd is an accomplished shooter with an impressive track record. These include The 2020 American Grand Prix, The 2020 East Coast Champion, 6th overall at the 2019 World English, The 2019 Northeast Regional Champion , The 2019 Kentucky State Champion, The 2019 Tennessee State Champion. Todd enjoys helping shooters progress with all aspects of their game. Call/Text Todd Hitch at 865-307-2769 or email him at hitchfamily4@gmail.com.